6 things I’m doing to hit the reset button in 2024

1. Dry Winter!

I try to do Dry January every year, but last year I extended it to mid March and discovered that I was able to completely skip over my usual Seasonal Affective Disorder. I’d like this to be become my new annual tradition. 

Bonus that even moderate alcohol use causes brain damage, and the only way to reverse it is through 2-6 months of total sobriety (source: Huberman Lab podcast).

2. Getting back into daily meditation.

I use Headspace but whatever you’ll stick with is good. This is the first time meditation has felt easy for me. I’m only doing 5 minutes a day to start and will work my way up. Walking meditation counts!

3. Doing something creative every day.

Working on a friendship bracelet, making alcohol-ink art, posting something on Instagram—even the smallest creative tasks count. The other night I made a lanyard while watching The Mentalist.

4. Regular exercise.

I injured myself six weeks ago and am just getting back into my daily workout classes. When I don’t feel up to a class, I take a walk outside

5. Keeping up with my journals.

I use one for daily affirmation writing + general thoughts and reflection (a Muji notebook that costs like $3.50; have used and replaced this for years) and another for goal setting (the Lavendaire Artist of Life Workbook—this is the third year I’ve bought this)

6. Making plans with friends outside of the people I see regularly.

This usually takes a lot of energy for me, but I find that when I’m not drinking alcohol my life feels slower and quieter and therefore more restful, so I have more social energy for people outside of my inner circle.

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